Lundi 12 septembre 2022 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée MySQL

2022, Sep 12    

Lundi 12 septembre 2022 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée MySQL

Le Riviera JUG organise une rencontre gratuite sur le thème de MySQL le lundi 12 septembre 2022 à partir de 18h dans les locaux de Amadeus Sophia Antipolis.

Notez que nous serons encore une fois à Amadeus, donc ne vous pointez pas à Inria, ni Skema ;) Nous avons mis une carte à votre disposition, alors regardez-la !

Ne manquez pas cette soirée !  :)



Ce programme est susceptible de changer selon des imprévus prévisibles.
Horaire Description
18:00 - 18:30 Accueil
18:30 - 19:30 MySQL Indexes and Histograms - How they really speed up your queries
19:30 - 20:00 Buffet, boissons
20:00 - 21:00 MySQL 8.0 - What’s new for developers ?


Sponsor Rôles
alt text Salle

Pour venir

Amadeus, main site, Mistral auditorium 485 Rte du Pin Montard 06410 Biot

Plan d’accès.

Programme détaillé

MySQL Indexes and Histograms - How they really speed up your queries

Nobody complains that the database is too fast. But when things slow down, the complaints come quickly. The two most popular approaches to speeding up queries are indexes and histograms. But there are so many options and types on indexes that it can get confusing. Histograms are fairly new to MySQL but they do not work for all types of data. This talk covers how indexes and histograms work and shows you how to test just how effective they are so you can measure the performance of your queries.

MySQL 8.0 - What’s new for developers ?

During this lecture, I will present some of the key new features that could be very useful for an audience of developers. Such as the new GIPK mode, Hash Joins, Histograms, CTEs and Window functions. Then I will focus on the new MySQL Store that allows users to store and retrieve data out of the database without a single line of SQL !

About the speaker

Frédéric Descamps

@lefred has been consulting OpenSource and MySQL for more than 20 years. After graduating in Management Information Technology, Frédéric started his career as a developer for a multinational company. He will then opt for a different career joining one of the first Belgian start-up fully dedicated to Open Source projects around GNU/Linux. It is in 2011 that Frédéric joined Percona, one of the leading MySQL-based specialists and became a performance expert. He decided to join the MySQL Community Team in 2016 as a MySQL Community Manager for EMEA & APAC. Frédéric is also a regular speaker of OpenSource Conferences and technical reviewers for several books. His blog, mostly dedicated to MySQL, is Fred is also the devoted father of three adorable daughters: Wilhelmine, Héloïse & Barbara.