Mercredi 24 Novembre 2010 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée nuages (cloud)
Mercredi 24 novembre 2010 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée nuages (cloud)
Le Riviera JUG organise une rencontre gratuite sur le thème du calcul dans les nuages (cloud) le mercredi 24 novembre 2010 dans les locaux de l’INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.
Malgré une tentative ratée l´an dernier pour cause de grippe aviaire, nous avons réussi à refaire venir Manik Surtani pour nous parler d´Infinispan, la solution de grille de données de JBoss, qui va nous montrer comment partager des données sur les milliers de serveurs que nous avons tous en prod.
Nous allons également recevoir Adrian Cole de JClouds, un framework open-source d´abstraction de services offerts par les différends clouds qui existent, de façon à pouvoir coder de manière portable sur la plupart des clouds.
Horaire | Description |
18:00 - 18:30 | Accueil — café |
18:30 - 19:30 | JBoss Infinispan, par Manik Surtani |
19:30 - 20:00 | Pause — buffet |
20:00 - 20:15 | Présentation de livre |
20:15 - 21:15 | Java Provisioning in the Cloud, par Adrian Cole |
21:15 - 21:45 | Fin/Rencontres — buffet |
Sponsor | Rôles |
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Employeur des deux organisateurs |
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Salle |
Pour venir
Salle « Euler Violet », bâtiment Euler en face du poste de garde (le gardien vous l’indiquera quand vous arriverez sur le site).
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis
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Programme détaillé
JBoss Infinispan
In this talk, Infinispan founder and JBoss Cache project lead Manik Surtani introduces the role of data grids in today’s cloud-computing environment. The extreme scalability offered by data grids are powering the greatest and most high-profile of today’s applications. In his talk Surtani covers Infinispan, the new open source data grid platform, and it's motivations and evolution as a project. Distributed data structures will be discussed in-depth, including strategies of managing and deploying data grids on cloud services such as Amazon AWS by making use of powerful toolkits such as JClouds.
Java Provisioning in the Cloud
This session will overview cloud provisioning tools written in java and clojure. First, we'll overview general provisioning concerns and how devops relates to the java landscape. We will show examples that work on several clouds via use of the jclouds framework. Examples will include using Whirr to manage hadoop and zookeeper clusters in java, and pallet to build and manage application stacks including components as couchdb, tomcat, and nginx.. using clojure!
À propos des intervenants
Manik Surtani

Manik Surtani is a core R&D engineer at JBoss, a division of Red Hat. He is the founder of the Infinispan project, which he currently leads, and also leads the JBoss Cache project. His interests lie in cloud and distributed computing, autonomous systems and highly available computing. He has a background in artificial intelligence and neural networks, a field he left behind when he moved from academic circles to the commercial world. Since then, he's been working with Java-related technologies, first for a startup focusing on knowledge management and information exchange, and later for a large London-based consultancy as a tech lead focused on e-commerce applications on large Java EE and peer-to-peer technology. Surtani is a strong proponent of open source development methodologies, ethos, and collaborative processes, and has been involved in open source since his first forays into computing.
Adrian Cole

Adrian founded the open source project jclouds last march, and is actively engaged in cloud interoperability and devops circles. Recently, he's worked at VMware helping make vCloud relevant to developers and ISVs. He's also put in effort at Opscode on java-chef integration. Adrian's currently consulting under Cloud Conscious LLC.