Vendredi 21 mars 2014 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée WildFly 8 et tests de Java EE 7
Vendredi 21 mars 2014 @ Sophia-Antipolis : soirée WildFly 8 et tests de Java EE 7
Le Riviera JUG organise une rencontre gratuite sur le thème de WildFly 8 et tests de Java EE 7 le vendredi 21 mars 2014 à partir de 18h dans les locaux d´Inria Sophia-Antipolis.
Le JUG le plus cool de France revient après une trop longue absence, et revient en force :)
Pour cette première soirée du JUG en 2014 nous aurons la visite d’Andrew Lee Rubinger, de JBoss, qui nous expliquera comment tester facilement les parties historiquement difficiles à tester de vos applications Java EE 7.
Ensuite, Arun Gupta, également de JBoss, viendra nous présenter la toute dernière version de WildFly (anciennement JBoss AS), la WildFly 8, qui inclut Java EE 7.
Inscrivez-vous vite !
Pour ceux qui veulent toujours plus : AeroGear Hackergarten
Arun et Andrew vont organiser un hackergarten samedi 22 à Nice avec Sébastien Blanc. Inscrivez-vous vite si vous voulez aller coder avec eux car les places sont limitées.
Toutes les informations et inscription sur leur page :
Horaire | Description |
18:00 - 18:30 | Accueil |
18:30 - 19:30 | Case Studies in Testable Java EE Development, par Andrew Lee Rubinger |
19:30 - 20:00 | Pause buffet — discussions |
20:00 - 21:30 | What's new in WildFly 8 ?, par Arun Gupta |
Sponsor | Rôles |
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Salle |
Pour venir
Salle « Euler Violet », bâtiment Euler en face du poste de garde (le gardien vous l’indiquera quand vous arriverez sur le site).
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis 2004, route des Lucioles 06902 Sophia Antipolis
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Programme détaillé
Case Studies in Testable Java EE Development
This session pulls a variety of examples in testable development from O'Reilly's Continuous Enterprise Development in Java, including a review of the sections on:
- RESTful services
- UI verification
- Transactions
- Security
...and covers other areas of the Java EE platform that have historically been branded as "difficult to test." The session spends a lot of time in the IDE, with examples that are freely available to fork and run.
What's new in WildFly 8 ?
WildFly 8 (née JBoss Application Server) is Red Hat's open source Java EE 7 compliant application server. It contains robust implementations of WebSocket, Batch, JSON, Concurrency, JMS2, JAX-RS 2, CDI 1.1, and all Java EE 7 technologies. Undertow is the new cutting-edge web server in WildFly 8 and is designed for maximum throughput and scalability, including environments with over a million connections. The number of ports is reduced used by multiplexing protocols over HTTP using HTTP Upgrade.
Role Based Access Control support organizations with separated management responsibilities and restrictions. Roles represent different sets of permissions such as runtime operation execution, configuration areas that can read or written, and the ability to audit changes and manage users. In addition a new restricted audit log can be enabled including the ability to offload to a secure syslog server.
WildFly also provides a "core" distribution that is ideal for framework authors that want to build their own application runtime using the powerful WildFly 8 architecture.
This session provides an overview of WildFly 8 features.
À propos des intervenants
Andrew Lee Rubinger

Open-source engineer; Developer Advocate and Program Manager at JBoss by Red Hat, author of the upcoming "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java" from O'Reilly Media. Founder of the ShrinkWrap project and recovering member of the JBoss Core Development Team.
Arun Gupta

Arun Gupta is a technology enthusiast, a passionate runner, an author of best-selling book, a community guy, JavaOne rockstar speaker, Java Champion, and a Red Hatter.